Christmas Blues in Times of Covid
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with keeping those feelings nestled snuggly within. Not when so many people have been alone and will continue to be alone in the months to come.
Would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss any post I have made here!
Christmas Blues in Times of Covid
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with keeping those feelings nestled snuggly within. Not when so many people have been alone and will continue to be alone in the months to come.
Fanfic is Valid: Let People Enjoy Fandom
I’m here as an author to say thank you to fanfic writers and as an extension thank you to fanart artists. Thank you for loving the work someone has spent endless hours crafting so much that you want more, even if that means creating it yourself.
Contrary Like a Cat: Argh Reviews!
I wanted to enjoy the film without feeling like I needed to analyse it. That’s it - that’s the crux. The first viewing is to absorb and take in, enjoy it or hate it. Subsequent viewings are for analyses.